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  |____/ \___/|_|   |_____|_| \_\____/ \___/  \_/\_/  |_____|____/ \___/_/\_\_____|____/.com

What is this?

This site is a simple way for friends to participate in a "Superbowl box pool" together online. There are no usernames, passwords, spam or ads!

What isn't this?

This is not a gambling website.

How does it work?

1. When you create a game, you are given two links:
   - A "Game Link", for sharing your game with others
   - A "Member Link" which identifies you as the game owner and allows you to manage the game

2. Share the "Game Link" with friends who might want to play in your game
   - Each person who joins your game is also given a unique "Member Link" for them to use to access the game

3. When you start the game, the grid becomes locked and the X and Y axis values are randomized (from 0-9, usually to coincide with the last digit of each teams score).

4. How a game is run beyond that is up to the game owner!

What's next?

This is very much a hobby project for me, but I am committed to delivering functionality as planned and per your feedback. Some items on my backlog:
  - Send welcome email upon creating/joining a game (so that links are not so easily lost)
  - Integrate with NCAA/NFL games to sync team names and start times
  - Build a proper UI (if you are interested in this part, please email me)

Create a Game:

Game name:
Your name:
Your email address:
Home team (X Axis):
Away team (Y Axis):

Please check back regularly, or feel free to email ryan[at]superbowlboxes.com with any questions or feedback!